What happens to Jewish people who die without believing in Jesus as their Messiah? Do they go to hell? That’s a question a lot of people want to know. Again, we’re asking the wrong question. The question should not be, ‘What happens to Jewish people who do not believe in Jesus when they die?’ it should be, ‘What happens to anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus?’ Do they go to Heaven or do they go to hell? First you have to understand the reason the Jewish Messiah came. God entered Earth in a human body. Scripture says the soul that sins will die or be separated from God. It also says all people sin. Our sins were placed on the God-man, Jesus. Although He entered Earth in a human body, unlike humans He had no sin. This made Him the perfect substitute, the perfect sacrifice to die in our place. God made a way to pay the price for our sins. So that we can be clean in His sight. Only totally sinless people go to Heaven. So, what happens if someone doesn’t believe in Jesus? Well, that’s really the question.
We all have a day of judgement. The book of Daniel says:
Those that are buried into the dust, some shall rise to everlasting life and some to everlasting condemnation.
Everlasting means no chance of reversal. So, a forever decision must be made in this life. Now, who goes to this everlasting life? Daniel says there is a Book of Life. So how do you get your name in this Book of Life? By having your sins separated from you.
Well, what happened to Uncle So and So who was such a godly man who didn’t believe in Jesus and he died? Only God has the answer. Why? Because God has so much more mercy than me or you. In Jeremiah 29:12-13 it says, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
You don’t know what happened the moment before someone died. You don’t know about the mercy of God. There’s only one thing you know for sure, yourself. And since you don’t know when you’re going to die you better make that decision quickly! If you have ever stolen, ever lied, ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs, been involved in abortion, engaged in homosexual behavior, even going to a fortune-teller or had sex outside of marriage, your sin is still with you. Yes, we all have sin. The question I have for you is, how do you expect to get into a holy Heaven? Now you know more than Uncle So and So. Why should a Holy God let you in to His holy Heaven?